The Vigro knife is a small, flat and ergonomic knife, with a rapid sheathing and drawing system that prevents accidental loss as two push buttons must be pressed simultaneously to extract the knife from the sheath.
The handle is minimalist, of a flat, ergonomic design and covered with anti-slip rubber for a secure grip. The blade is made of tempered 401 stainless steel. The duration of these features is guaranteed not by the sharpness itself, but by the quality of the material that guarantees the durability of the blade. Rhomboidal blade cross section for greater resistance to flexing and breaking.
One side has a smooth edge and the other is partially serrated with a rope cutter. Can be attached to the calf or belt using rubber straps with buckles.
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The Vigro knife is a small, flat and ergonomic knife, with a rapid sheathing and drawing system that prevents accidental loss as two push buttons must be pressed simultaneously to extract the knife from the sheath.
The handle is minimalist, of a flat, ergonomic design and covered with anti-slip rubber for a secure grip. The blade is made of tempered 401 stainless steel. The duration of these features is guaranteed not by the sharpness itself, but by the quality of the material that guarantees the durability of the blade. Rhomboidal blade cross section for greater resistance to flexing and breaking.
One side has a smooth edge and the other is partially serrated with a rope cutter. Can be attached to the calf or belt using rubber straps with buckles.
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